A Book Review: ‘Journey of A Seer’ by Audra Raines

Do you have the gift of seeing? Audra Raines delves into her life as a prophet in her book, Journey of A Seer.

Who is Audra Raines?

Audra Raines is the co-pastor of Church of Acts in Corpus Christi, Texas, who leans heavily into the prophetic. For those who do not know, Christians deem someone as a prophet if they can foretell the future. Saying the dog will cross the street after it has already made the gesture of crossing may not get you the badge of “prophet” in the charismatic world. Having a dream of a dog crossing the road the night before it happens may have some deeming you as a seer. 

Raines does not shy away from her past life as a less-than-holy individual despite being a spiritual leader in the present era. In fact, she creates this structure in which the reader sees how her life as an unsaved individual leads to her accepting her identity as a prophet. 

The Journey To Seer

In many ways, Journey of A Seer reads like a build-up. Every chapter is one piece of Audra’s journey that leads up to the prophetic vision she describes at the end of the book. 

I can certainly appreciate Raines’ honesty throughout her carefully crafted narrative. She does not shy away from the doubts she’s had while growing into a prophet. She instead shares her discrepancies with us so we can get a clear picture of the process that comes after surrendering.

For Seers

Some Christian books are written exclusively for individuals who claim to follow the faith. Journey of A Seer, however, is not just for Christians. Anyone with the gift of foretelling the future can benefit from Audra Raines’ book. Through her process, all seers can get a grasp on what it means to surrender to the calling of the supernatural in their lives.