A Book Review: ‘The Art of Sonship’ by Israel Campbell

King David had 20 sons. Only one of them, however, reigned. This is the notion Israel Campbell introduces and explains in his book, The Art of Sonship

Heart Posture

Israel has seen his fair share of ruined relationships in the church. As someone who has been in ministry for more than 20 years, most of that time serving in a leadership role, the lead pastor of Flourishing Church has experienced incredible highs in what he calls “The Body of Christ” and pitiful lows. One thing has remained during his journey: Campbell has maintained a heart posture open to learning and susceptible to correction. This is the concept he conveys in The Art of Sonship.

David’s Lineage

Although his book is centrally about responding to church leadership in the good, bad, and ugly times, Israel does not build on his experiences and reference scripture as his support. The author instead uses the lineage of David as his foundation.

Israel heavily relies on the personalities of David’s sons to present factors that could prevent individuals from reaching the height of their desires in church leadership. He lets his imagination run wild at some points by filling in gaps the Bible leaves concerning David’s sons. 

Israel does not hesitate to “wonder” what would have happened to the overtly rebellious kids whose ends are tragic in scripture. The author ultimately uses David’s lineage to encourage readers to think about long-term results instead of instant gratification when it comes to church leadership.  

For Churchgoers

The Art of Sonship is a great choice for churchgoers hoping to serve as leaders in their local church. This book may also be ideal for the average layperson looking to better understand how to navigate the church world.