A Book Review: ‘Max & Charlotte Learn Compassion’ by Omar Rezec

*Note: This article originally appears on Reedsy Discovery’s platform. Thank you to the author and platform for providing a digital copy of the book free of charge. 

What can a dog teach kids about compassion? Everything! Omar Rezec explores the concept of love and responsibility in his picture book, Max & Charlotte Learn Compassion

It’s a normal day for Max and Charlotte until they stumble upon a dog. The youngsters ask to keep what appears to be a stray animal when their mom decides to take the furry baby to the veterinarian to confirm the dog indeed belongs to no one. As it turns out, Max and Charlotte’s furry friend does, in fact, have an owner. 

The family decides to return him to his family, which leaves a hole in Max and Charlotte’s world. Understanding how much attachment their kids have developed for the dog they found in the neighborhood but had to return, Max and Charlotte’s parents ultimately decide to adopt a puppy for Max and Charlotte.

From start to finish, this story by Rezec is nothing short of adorable. Max and Charlotte are the perfect ages. The kids are old enough to know what a dog means for the family. Yet, Max and Charlotte are young enough to not fully understand the idea of their furry friend belonging to another family. Rezec ultimately creates believable characters who lead the reader to a place of empathy. 

Speaking of empathy, one cannot resist feeling sorry for Max and Charlotte when it is discovered their new furry friend is already taken. As a reader, you want the outcome to turn out differently. You are rooting for Max and Charlotte to be able to keep the dog and are just as crushed as they are when the vet delivers the verdict. In the same way, you are just as happy as the kids when mom and dad choose to adopt a pet. 

Max & Charlotte Learn Compassion by Omar Rezec is a great book to read to kids at storytime. Parents can use Max and Charlotte’s road to getting a puppy of their own as a way to teach the importance of caring for others and taking on new responsibilities in life. 

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