Melania Trump Is Pro-Choice: What Does That Mean For Christians?

Melania Trump doubled down on her support of abortion during an interview with Maria Bartiromo on FOX’s Sunday Morning Futures. During the segment this past Sunday (Oct. 6), the former First Lady, and wife of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, expressed her desire to live in a country where she has full autonomy over her body. 

“I want to decide what I want to do with my body,” Mrs. Trump said. “I don’t want government in my personal business,” she continued. “I think it’s very important.”

Melania’s comments came less than 30 days before the 2024 election, which will determine who runs the country for the next four years. Many evangelicals have supported Donald Trump because of his stance on abortion as murder. They celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which was made possible by Trump’s Supreme Court Justice appointments. How will they take this latest revelation, though?

So Much Remains The Same

Abortion has been a hot topic for decades. Roe v. Wade was a landmark decision that came with rippling effects. The Moral Majority, formed in 1979 by Baptist minister Jerry Falwell, leaned heavily into the notion of life beginning at conception and being sacred throughout the pregnancy. 

Much of the country turned to Republicans for leadership after the Roe v. Wade decision with the Catholic Church leading the way. Many devout Catholics could not fathom supporting politicians who stood behind the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision. Thus, they migrated towards conservative individuals whom they believed fought for the unborn. 

Today, there remains the conservative ideology that life begins in the womb at conception. Devout Christians who lean more into traditional practices still refuse to support a candidate who does not support their ideology about abortion. They are one-issue voters and proud of it!

Things Are Changing

Although the base of conservative Christians remains strong in the United States, there is a rising progressive movement among evangelicals that threatens to turn mainstream Christianity in the United States on its head. This movement is more accepting of liberal ideologies and follows the thinking of Melania Trump in believing women should have full autonomy over their bodies, which includes the right to abortion. 

Progressive Christians would likely applaud Mrs. Trump and, whether traditional Christians want to accept it or not, are the face of mainstream Christianity in the United States going forward. 

Receiving The Revelation

Traditional Christians have likely received the revelation of Melania Trump supporting abortion as unnerving. They probably will still stand with her husband this election given the Democrat party’s liberal ideologies all around. 

Progressive Christians may feel empowered by the revelation. In reality, though, they likely aren’t supporting anything related to Trump anyway. 

At some point, all persons who claim the Republican party solely because of its stand on abortion being murder will have to reevaluate some things as it appears the party itself is shifting to a more progressive stance concerning the topic. 

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